Tag: Coding

  • Static sites with Jekyll in Ubuntu

    Static sites with Jekyll in Ubuntu

    Setup Ruby

    Remove the default Ubuntu install, otherwise you’ll get an error You don't have write permissions for the /var/lib/gems/3.x.x Directory and configure Ruby to install gems to a folder in your home.


  • Expo on Codespaces

    Expo on Codespaces

    What will I need?

    How long will it take?

    About ten minutes.

    Lets give it a go!

    Create a new Codespace using the blank template:

    Once initalised, create an empty Expo React App (select (y)es when prompted):

    npx create-expo-app example

    Install the expo-cli command line tool globally:

    npm install -g expo-cli

    Change into your example project’s folder and edit App.js, maybe adding an image or whatever, before updating packages:

    cd example
    npm update

    Login to your Expo account from the command line:

    Create an account with Expo and login using the expo login command.

    Expo-cli supports tunnelling, a proxy URL accesible from any device over the Internet, using ngrok.

    expo start --tunnel

    After installing the requested library (@expo/ngrok@^4.1.0), you should see a QR code:

    Open the Expo Go app on your device, login, and then scan the QR code. The app will bundle and be available on your device.

    Further reading

  • Metro not starting automatically on Ubuntu

    Metro not starting automatically on Ubuntu

    Expected behaviour:

    npm run android

    Should launch Metro and an Android emulator but Metro is not launched. Manually launching metro works:

    npm start